Our Vision
To be a fellowship committed to rebuilding individuals and families of all races and ethnic groups, according to God’s Word and His principles. This includes learning how to Worship and praise the one True Living God by seeking His face in prayer first, and man’s solutions last.
Our Leadership:
Our leadership recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Pastor Bradford E. Traywick began preaching at Broadview Baptist Church in 1989 and was ordained in 1991. He has served in ministry in numerous areas of Chicago including prison ministry at Cook County Prison.
Pastor Brad has been serving as the Pastor of Christ Transformed lives since it was first incorporated in 1995. He earned his B.A. from Bradley University in Peoria, IL, and his M. Div. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri.
He and his wife, Belinda, have one son and one grandchild. They currently reside in the southwestern suburbs of Chicago.
What we believe:
We are a Christ centered, Bible centered fellowship. We believe in the Holy God of the Holy Scriptures, expressed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, co-equal, co-eternal. Only this God is to be worshipped. This is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He created all that there is, including humanity. Humanity rebelled (sinned) against Him by listening to Satan’s lie of independence described as godhood. All humanity is now headed to a just deserved eternal punishment in hell, separated from God’s love forever. Because of God’s grace and mercy, He provided a payment for our sins through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus the Christ who is God in the flesh, by His death on the cross. Jesus was raised from the dead after 3 days, is alive forever more, and now gives forgiveness and eternal life to whoever believes Jesus is the One True and Living God, and that he completely paid the debt of death that we all owe to God. Salvation is by grace alone and faith alone in the completed work of the cross of Christ alone. Once saved, we are to live our life according to will of God, not our own will, nor the will of man. This transformed life can only be lived by submission to the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Bible, i.e. the Word of God. This same Jesus is now ascended into heaven and is coming back soon to rid the earth of Satan, and all who worship anyone or anything other than the true God. At the final Judgement at the Great White Throne, Satan, unrepentant and unregenerate humanity will be cast into the eternal lake of fire along with anything that is not holy or redeemed, where they will spend eternity in torment. Redeemed humanity will then spend eternity in heaven with God in peace, joy and love, never to be tempted with evil, sin, or anything that is unholy.